Saturday, March 28, 2009

Project of the Week - Colour Theory

For those of you that are familiar with the Lisa way of scrapbooking, you should know by know that I love colour! But I also love monochromatic layouts and projects...and I also love reusing things. The Project this week combines all of my faves in one!

And it's the big reveal for some Techneeks I've been posting the last couple of you'll finally get to see the finished product!

You Will Need:

- Some old Heidi Swapp packaging...anything of hers that came in the 12x12 hanging bags
- Black cardstock
- Embellishments and paper sorted by colour - I'm using three different colours for now, but you can do as many of these little guys as you want!

I did one "layout" for each person in my is me, blue is Lucas and green is my husband. The great thing about using the packaging is that it comes with a built-in hole to hang it, and the plastic protects it from dust and sticky fingers!

Notice how the big pink Prima flower is on the outside of the bag. I wanted there to be a dimensional aspect to the pieces...especially since they are going to serve as home decor...once I get them up on my walls!

You'll notice I did the same thing with the felt flower on my hubby's layout. I wanted his to feel more masculine, but still fit with the other layouts so I used a small felt flower.

I pulled embellishments that corresponded with the colour I was working on, and just started creating!

I made sure to decorate the top of the package to cover up any product-related words!

You could also try:
- Using smaller packaging and hanging some in your office or cubicle
- Add pictures of things your child likes and use these hangings to help them learn their alphabet or practice spelling
- Do a hanging for every colour of the rainbow!
- Change the pages out with the season! (You might want to avoid gluing things to the outside of the packaging if you want to exercise this option!)

Happy Creating! And Happy Spring Break to my fellow Edmontonians back home...


I am still in Texas, but I will be back this week. And to celebrate my homecoming I am going to do another giveaway...something I'm bringing back from my trip! And it's a SURPRISE! So you'll just have to trust that it's something good, and post your comment here for a chance to win!

Any comment left between now and the time for my next Project post will be entered! (that's next Saturday, April 4th)

Good Luck! And see you soon!


Alison said...

I'm loving the techneeks every time they are posted. Very informative and inspiring! Thanks

Electra said...

YOu are SO talented, you always inspire me! Thank you!

Nat said...

You could also match the color of your layout with the color of your birth stone. Nice saphhire blue or gorgeous emerald green.